Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hitting Drill

For Hand-Eye Coordination-
1. Coach/teammate lobs two or three different colored wiffle balls.
2. Athlete prepares to hit the ball.
3. Coach yells out which color ball to hit.
4. Athlete quickly reacts and hits that color ball.

  This drill allows the athlete to learn new motor patterns in the brain to
allow faster reacting time when the ball is thrown. You can increase the 
speed and distance of the ball thrown to have the athlete react faster.
The athlete will learn to time the ball when it is thrown and react to which
ball is to be hit. This will increase the athlete's ability to also control which 
direction the ball is being hit. The amount of swings taken during this drill
also allow muscle memory to take over when swinging the bat, this way,
when the ball is thrown most of the work is being put into timing and hand-
eye coordination rather than mechanics. 

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